Seth Turner, Founder
Seth Turner is an advocacy expert with more than 25 years experience working as a government relations and advocacy professional. In 2021, he launched AdvocacyWorks 535 to help advocacy associations to use commonly available – yet often underutilized – tools and resources to unlock and measure their supporters’ potential to influence elected officials.

Seth was the Congressional Management Foundation’s Director of Citizen Engagement for more than five years (2016-2021) and continues to work with CMF as "Faculty," consulting on projects relevant to citizen engagement and conducting trainings on CMF's behalf.

Prior to his time at CMF, Seth worked as a government relations professional for nonprofits and associations for more than 20 years. He started his career in 1994 at Catholic Charities USA, where he used a fax machine to send his first legislative alert. He was also Goodwill Industries International's Senior Director of Government Affairs and Public Policy (2007-2016), where he rebuilt and led Goodwill's government relations office.



RAP Index

RAP Index® is designed by advocacy experts for one purpose: to deliver "authentic advocacy." Our innovative software effectively allows you to uncover hidden relationships for a wide range of groups, associations, businesses, and organizations. RAP Index ensures that you get your critical message delivered to the right person in the most effective way.


Are you among the growing number advocacy professionals who understand that “grasstops” advocates who have trusting relationships with their policymakers have a great deal more influence than thousands of grassroots supporters spamming their elected officials?